One Year Recap & What’s Next | August 10, 2024

This Week's Highlight

I am writing to you from my hotel room in Chiangmai! Today is already the last day of my mini vacation to celebrate a full year on Youtube. It has been a restful break and I am excited to come back next week with new year's energy 💪

This week, I shared a quick recap video outlining what has happened over the past year and my plans for the upcoming few months.

Celebrating Wins

If you have been a long time reader of this newsletter, you know that I like to share my wins, big or small — from reaching a 100 videos to collaborating with Dan of The Coding Train to now making it through one year on Youtube.

This is not to brag about what I have accomplished so far, but it is a way to motivate myself to keep going.

“By setting goals, you accomplish mental clarity needed to stay disciplined, responsible and organized." — Novak Djokovic

I really believe in setting big goals and taking small steps to reach them. The path wasn't always clear at the beginning, but only with action that the steps became more clear. It is a constant reminder for myself to take daily actions towards my goals and they will surely arrive one day.

Q&A Video

A quick PSA on another one of my wins 😃: I am doing my very first Q&A to celebrate 5,000 subscribers. Submit your questions here or wherever else you find me!

Until next week!


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